Debian Kernel Patch

  • The kernels in Debian are distributed in binary form, built from the Debian kernel source. It is important to recognize that Debian kernel source may be and in most.
  • Patch system: Location of the patches: How to deactivate a patch: Accepts diff -u output: Advantage: dpatch : debian/patches: Remove its name from debian/patches/00list.

A patch is a small text document containing This means that paths to files inside the patch file contain the name of the kernel source dirs Debian Wiki team.

2.1 Changes to the pristine kernel source

The kernels in Debian are distributed in binary form, built from the Debian

kernel source. It is important to recognize that Debian kernel source may be

and in most cases is different from the upstream or pristine

kernel source, distributed from and its mirrors. Due to

licensing restrictions, unclear license information, or failure to comply with

the Debian Free Software Guidelines DFSG, parts of the kernel are removed in

order to distribute the source in the main section of the Debian

archive. Such removal produces

linux-2.6_version.orig.tar.gz tarball, which serves as

the original upstream source. version is the actual upstream version.

For the details on how the removal is implemented, see the description of

linux-patch-debian package in Architecture-independent packages,

The guidelines for firmware removal were set by the Handling source-less firmware

in the Linux kernel General Resolution and the position

statement by the release managers. Even though these documents

originally applied to the Etch release, there were no significant changes in

the removal policy, so they were in effect for the Lenny release as well. As

of version 2.6.31-1, all known sourceless firmware has been removed from the

Debian package. Additional information about firmware licensing and removals

Wiki page KernelFirmwareLicensing.

The source from which the Debian binary kernels are built is obtained by taking

the source from linux-2.6_version.orig.tar.gz that is,

pristine kernel source with problematic parts removed and applying a set of

Debian patches. These patches typically implement essential fixes for serious

bugs and security holes. The Debian version of the kernel packages has the

form version-revision where version

is the upstream version of the kernel like 2.6.26 and

revision determines the patchlevel. For example, the

packages with version 2.6.26-2 are built from the

linux-2.6_2.6.26.orig.tar.gz source, patched up to patchlevel 2.

Certain packages include extra featuresets not included in the upstream

source, such as xen and openvz.

All the patches used in the process of building of the Debian official kernel

packages are shipped as a part of

linux-patch-debian-version package. See its description

in Architecture-independent packages,

Section 3.2 for more information about the patch system.

2.3 Policy for patch acceptance

The general policy of the Debian kernel team is that a patch must either fix a

bug or add hardware support, and must be based on a change already accepted by

the upstream kernel maintainers. The change does not need to have been

included in an upstream release yet. This policy allows the team to drop most

patches when moving to a new upstream version, rather than having to maintain

an increasing series of Debian-specific patches. The recommended procedure for

inclusion of patches introducing optional features is to submit to the upstream

version 1.0.12, Wed Sep 28 :16 BST 2011

The Debian Kernel Handbook Project.

debian kernel patch

Debian is an operating system and a distribution of Free Software. It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their time and effort.

These are instructions for installing MPPE support on Debian GNU/Linux, with a kernel patched and built from sources. You do not need to do this for kernel 2.6.15 and.

View-OS - Kernel patch for better UMView performances. View-OS is a novel approach to the process/kernel interface. The semantics of each system call can be assigned.

We are ready to apply the patch; we change directory to our linux kernel tree source: cd linux-3.12.2. And apply the patch: patch -p1 aufs.patch.

Nov 27, 2015  Building custom kernel packages. This page is about rebuilding an official Debian kernel package with custom changes. There is the Kernel Handbook about.

Debian Patch Tracker; Download Source Package kpatch: It installs the source and makefiles into the appropriate locations in order to handle various kernel versions.

Debian Linux Kernel Handbook Chapter 2